Sexy Times- Totally Not Depressing…

Fucking Up Love So You Don't Have To!

Dating Advice: What do you do when you are dating an emotionally unavailable man?

I would recommend that you stop dating said emotionally unavailable man.

There are many reasons why we choose people who are unavailable to us. Sometimes its because somewhere within us, we know we aren’t really ready for that long lasting relationship. It could be fear of boredom, and that unavailability keeps things exciting.

Regardless of the reason- because I don’t think dating an emotionally unavailable man is a healthy response to the above excuses- I don’t think it’s fair to yourself to continue down this road.

Typically, if a man is coming off as emotionally unavailable, he’s telling you that he (for whatever reason) is not ready or willing to give you what he thinks you want.

Dragging on a relationship like this will only make it harder when you inevitably have to split ways; but if you end things cleanly, before things get more complicated, then you can potentially save yourself a lot of hurt, and open yourself up to people who are ready to give to you as much as they receive from you.

Good luck!